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COVID-19 Operations and Contingencies

The measures outlined here are not collectively inclusive and are subject to change in the best interest of public health and safety. If you have any questions, please contact us.


The Skule™ Choir Executive is always alert to guidance from the University of Toronto for our operating practices for the 2024-25 season. We will follow recommended protocols to ensure the health and safety of all participating members. This page, along with our semester specific page, will be updated with that information as soon as our team receives it. If you would like to be notified of that information directly, please sign up for our mailing list; we thank you for your patience and understanding as arts groups continue to adapt. 


Winter Open Rehearsal

Our open rehearsal will return to in-person! Like during our online rehearsals, we will heave a brief presentation and Q&A. This presentation will provide you an overview of our singing season, information about our ensembles, audition information, and any operating protocols that may be applicable at that time. Afterwards, the floor will be open to questions regarding Skule™ Choir and Choir ++. This event will be streamed via Zoom, and a link will be shared on our Open Rehearsal page (currently not open), as well as in our newsletter and on our social media for choristers looking to join us in online synchronous/asynchronous* rehearsing.



Auditions for Choir for the 2024-25 season will be done virtually, by recording.Choristers are asked to submit a video recording of the highest quality available to them as a viewable link (Google Drive, Dropbox, MyMedia, YouTube unlisted video, etc). Choir ++ auditions will be done in-person. Please see our Auditions page for comprehensive information on auditioning to Skule™ Choir.



Rehearsals run Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. EST; expected operating procedure from the University of Toronto and the Faculty of Engineering being to operate in person. Note: Choir # will not be offered for the 2024-2025 season.



Skule™ Choir offers two major performances a year; a winter concert and a spring concert. Each concert will feature a number of pieces performed by our members in attendance. Additionally, 1-3 pieces will be recorded and professionally mixed shared between our three ensembles that will be released on YouTube.  These concert may offer additional opportunities for members to perform solos both in vocal chamber groups and in auditioned roles. Our Spring Concert often features a larger work, or is the starting point of a major project for the subsequent school year.



Each semester Skule™ Choir hosts a clinician for a 2 hour seminar/workshop. Attendees of the workshops are eligible for certificate of participation for prefessional development hours. 


*asynchronous rehearsals not offered every semester, please contact us for more information

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