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Ensembles & Auditions

Auditions will be virtual for the 2024-25 Season. If you require assistance with this process due to technological challenges and require an in-person audition, please contact us or speak with a member of our executive team after open rehearsal

Main Ensemble

The audition for the main ensemble is not meant to be difficult or challenging, but to get to know your voice and check your range. The audition consists of two parts. In the first part of the audition, you will be asked to sing one ascending and one descending exercise, accompanied by a backtrack. You will be provided a copy of the exercises in their starting key, and may choose between singing the high voice or low voice exercises. In the second

part, you will be asked to sing a piece of your own choice, unaccompanied, that best showcases your voice. The piece need not be memorized, and may be in any language or style. 


Choir ♯

Choir ♯ is our online alternative to in-person rehearsing. If you are interested in joining Choir ♯ should the transition from online to hybrid rehearsals occur, please indicate so on your audition information form. The audition for Choir ♯ is similar to our Main Ensemble audition; it is meant to check your vocal range and become familiar with your voice. As above, you will be asked to sing an ascending and descending exercise with a backtrack (high or low voice option available), and then sing a piece of your own choosing, unaccompanied, that showcases your voice. The piece need not be memorized, and may be in any language or style. Note: Choir # will not be offered in the 2024-25 season.


If you are also interested in auditioning for Choir++ (our advanced ensemble), please indicate so on your audition form. The audition slots are 20 min instead of 15 min. In this audition, the first part of your audition remains the same, while the second part will include additional requirements. Apart from singing a piece of your choice, you will also be asked to:

1) sight-sing a an excerpt from a piece chosen by the conductor, and

2) sing an excerpt from a piece learnt during Open Rehearsal (The specific measures for this audition will be given at the rehearsal).


Note: Choir++ runs conditional on interest from the 2T3 auditionees. We thank you in advance for your ongoing enthusiasm.

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